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Results: 12 - pag 2/2«12»
floor-scrubbing machines, The cleaning industry comes to grips with blue gold

floor-scrubbing machines, The cleaning industry comes to grips with blue gold
And we all know just how important water is for life. ... Furthermore, the water-supply situation is exacerbated by other factors. ... Almost 1.5 billion people all over the world (7.6 billion in all) have water-related jobs. ... So, there are 2 other courses of action we can take to protect water resources: lower or [...]
floor-scrubbing machines, Trends and impressions from the CMS Exhibition in Berlin

floor-scrubbing machines, Trends and impressions from the CMS Exhibition in Berlin
Many scrubbers producers are proposing recycling systems as an eco-green solution, equipping their machines with filters in order to use the same water many times. We, instead, prefer to target the concept of using the right amount of water and detergent, the one indicated for the environment to clean (for this purpose we designed the 3SD [...]
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