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floor-scrubbing machines, “Made Green in Italy” Certification for scrubber machines: promote an italian and sustainable product!

floor-scrubbing machines, “Made Green in Italy” Certification for scrubber machines: promote an italian and sustainable product!
Furthermore, for years Adiatek has been studying and developing strategies to reduce environmental impact; among our Eco-green practices it is worth mentioning: - The 3S and 3SD system : avoid wasting water and limit the use of detergent, reducing water pollution. - The Ozone system : for more than ten years Adiatek has used ozone to limit the use of [...]
floor-scrubbing machines, Adiatek is at CMS Berlin!

floor-scrubbing machines, Adiatek is at CMS Berlin!
Download our brochures Adiatek gives the possibility to equip its models with Lithium batteries, as their efficiency: - Increases the work time - Allows the battery to stay low for long periods as they do not suffer from self-discharge - Allows partial charges Click here for more information We adopted a strategy that respects the environment and the impact we could have on it, that is why [...]
Our history

Our history
For the first time the sanitation and the detergent solution control are combined together.
floor-scrubbing machines, ADI Index 2017

floor-scrubbing machines, ADI Index 2017
The detergent solution flow can be adjusted directly from the dashboard, switching from a high to a low flow without pausing the cleaning.
floor-scrubbing machines, How to cut the water bill, through cleaning

floor-scrubbing machines, How to cut the water bill, through cleaning
Another source of saving, which is instead related to water, has to do with the detergent: using less water also means using less detergent.
floor-scrubbing machines, The cleaning industry comes to grips with blue gold

floor-scrubbing machines, The cleaning industry comes to grips with blue gold
Furthermore, usually over 90% of a normal bottle of cleaning detergent is just made up of water. ... One of the biggest water-related issues in industrial cleaning is the fact that wastewater used for cleaning operations is dirty and contaminated by detergents and chemicals, amongst other things. ... So, we must use a minimum amount of [...]
floor-scrubbing machines, Clean Water, Clear Conscience: Purify water from chemicals used in professional cleaning

floor-scrubbing machines, Clean Water, Clear Conscience: Purify water from chemicals used in professional cleaning
Understanding the problem Products used in professional cleaning include a wide range of chemicals (detergents, disinfectants, solvents and degreasers), designed to decompose organic matter and kill harmful microorganisms.
floor-scrubbing machines, And it's 20!

floor-scrubbing machines, And it's 20!
For instance, the Solution Saving System (3S) and Saving System Dispenser (3SD) systems allow you to control your usage of water and detergent with consumption savings of up to 40%. On the other hand, the Ozone (O3) system thoroughly cleans and sanitises environments without the use of chemical detergents: during the Covid health emergency, this system [...]
floor-scrubbing machines, Sanitise without harming the environment! This is the mission of cleaning in times like these

floor-scrubbing machines, Sanitise without harming the environment! This is the mission of cleaning in times like these
You can in fact also alternate between traditional cleaning with detergents (they are kept in a separate tank from the clean water tank) and sanitising exclusively with ozone and water.
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